Great job!
You're skills are coming on. Did you use Movieclip Filter Blur on the backgrounds? It gives a great sense of perspective and looks great but can slow frame rate down. Question - are you working at 12 fps? The sprite animation would look tighter at 24 and you could have a sprite every two frames without extra work. The mini game was great, hitting keys at during different time windows, you totally pulled it off. You made me laugh twice which is a feat. 'I feel a strange energy'. There were a couple of shots (cartoon eyes when knuckles was suprised) and (the winter scene with big) that I felt could have been improved a bit but overall a great job, this submission offers a lot in the way of entertainment. Visual Effects good, sound effects good, comedy good, story good, music good and I liked that you used advance sprites. I'm being really picky about those two shots but that's the only reason you don't get a ten from me, and I'm being 100% honest with you. Awesome job Da-boi, we may have to collaborate.